Dear Diary,
I have to settle all the MMU stuff by myself today.
I think I have to learn to be independent and I were today.
Fill in the bank in slip, calling dad by using mobile phone
in the bank and get off by the bank security, driving alone to Cyberjaya, make registration in MMU, settle the registration
fees in Financial Department, found the Falculty Of Management (my study place)…
I did all this stuff by myself, Alone.
The friend I first made was the 2 indian girls.
They both are Diploma student proceed to Management &
Finance Bachelor.
Mui remind me that I have to make course subject registration, so I make it together with those student coming for orientation.
But, I know nothing.
They all are working smooth on it, only me, I am the
troublesome one.
A senior approached, and showing his hand for me.
He is savior.
Due to those clashing, he helps me rearrange all of it and mark down all the time.
He told me that he is actually not allowed to help new student
arrange and varied their timetable, but he did.
Although there are still clashing…
By the way, he runs over the officer and his senior, asking
all around to see whether got people could help me this troublesome girl or
He is kind and gentleman.
However, I still feel glad and thankful for his appearance
when I am in the dark although he failed to give me any solution.
I get his name- Vince.
I believe I will meet him again.
So now, I still have to face the problem by myself.
Waiting for the announcement and make course subject
registration again~
Ann Tomato The Great.
Mom says I look Nature in this picture.
Does she means others looks Weird??!! :O