一个没有肩膀的人,他连自己都扛不起,当然更扛不起朋友。他即没有身份,做出的允诺自然没有力量。他即然没有力量,自然容易随风倾倒! 如果你有这样的朋友,可以帮助他,但不要指望他!___“没有肩膀的人”—

一个没有肩膀的人,他连自己都扛不起,当然更扛不起朋友。他即没有身份,做出的允诺自然没有力量。他即然没有力量,自然容易随风倾倒! 如果你有这样的朋友,可以帮助他,但不要指望他!___“没有肩膀的人”—

Monday, May 2, 2011


+ 2 May 2011 +

I feel heart break just now.

Nothing to do...
suddenly some pictures flash in my mind,its jog my memory about a Best Friend I had for long time...

I saw her picture in facebook.
She is having a good life now,but,

I think now,she could not remember our friendship before,we lost contact for few months already .

And now I'm thinking what people said was right - ''After u reached to the stage of college/university ,then u will lost your best friends that u had before . ''

Goodbye my friend, I appreciate all memories we had .

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