today was really unfortunately~
1st: in the chilly morning ...i follow the 'line' n going back to class...suddenly......the DAMN justin pengawas stopped me n shouted at me ,said:"show me your fingernail!!" ...= = ...what the heck...oklo~i show it to him...i no langgar peraturan,no scare oso XP~...when the time he want to let me go...suddenly the busybody J teacher shouted at me n said : "stocking!!" ....wat?!! like this also call short?!then how abt the others???...she even said that the girl who line up behind me ,her stocking short TOO ~~ wat the FUCK?!! her stocking is longer than me many many oh!!...after that,i ask the pengawas that going to write down my name in his discipline record book...''stocking saya macam ini pun panggil short ke??!buku peraturan said the stocking after the 'bone'then ok d wat!i no langgar peraturan ah!!"...then he said : "saya tak tau,cikgu panggil punya"..."cikgu call u go die then u go die la?!!!!''...OMG i wan to kill him d >_ coz~tat girl is more anger than scold the teacher non-stop til v escape from those rubbish pengawas~ha!!
2nd:after school....
when the time v(mui+yan+me)are going out from the bilik persalinan perempuan after chging pj shirt for ko-kurikulum ...OMG...!!! the DOOR cnt open??wat happen?!!!...deep breath...try again...CNT!!! .....v have been locked inside tis horrible + chou chou fitting room...555~...v bend over backwars shouting for,those unscrupulous 'human' won't care abt us...fortunately,some samaritans (i think are little girls) outsides heard our SOS screaming n searching for help to save us T_T...phew~thx GOD~Encik Rama-rama use his 'muscular' hands,with the help of hammer,he finally CHOP down the door lock n save us out with the help of hammer the nick of time,i saw him bcum the SUPERMAN ~touch-ing~~sob.....for more supurised...there are 20++ students standing outsides n wacthing at us just like those fans waiting for their idol...>_<...let me die ba~~~T.T
~yan: " saya nak keluar!!55...sangat lapar ah~~(>.
~mui:"[bz-ing...she is bz in taking pic...]hehe...i want put it in blog =P...(admire-ing @@ she is genius!!)
~encik rama-rama:"HAHAHA,menjadi sejarah sekolah dan jugo kamu semua...hahahahaha (= face d lo!!i'm going to cry more than feel proud of it lo><...wuwu)
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