Dear Diary,
That's a bitter heart add some sweetness...
the 14 weeks internship in ABMB has come to an end.
Bitter was I have to leave all my kind colleagues and friends, start over a new life.
Sweet was I finally graduating soon and able to work as a permanent and starting to earn money for myself & my family.
Life still have to move on,isnt it?
Feeling sad to say ByeBye, then everyone will move on to their own path and the past all would be ours precious memories ☺
I hate to have holidays actually...So I'm lucky that I only have 2 days more holiday left..
Because whenever I have free time, I will think about our past...and the future we planned perfectly...
After I woke up, it was just a dream.
Then the hurt feelings come after...
How was the hurt feeling,
How was the irresponsible fact.
How I'm being ditched.
Is it really meaningful to continue keep in touch? but the wound is leaving there unhealed.
So, that's the reason why I like to being a work slave now :)
I work even I feel sick.
Cause the sick never make me feel as pain as the heart bleed!
Money, is the only things I can trust.